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Supermodel Pancakes

That got your attention didn't it? Eating a plate of these in your PJs is proven to have leg lengthening, ab-defining qualities. Will also make you more photogenic. * 

(* some of these facts are not facts).

We stole the recipe from the girls at Tart-London. We love what they're doing with food and their site is a regular haunt of ours for recipes and food inspiration. 

We love these pancakes because they're a beautifully indulgent breakfast or brunch but they pack a nutritious punch too. Buttermilk is a great source of vitamin B12, essential for good sleep and combatting stress,  ground almonds are high in protein and bananas are one of the best sources of slow release energy and just happen to be high in nature's muscle relaxants - magnesium and potassium - making for a pyjamas-all-day day. There's no refined sugar in here but leave out the maple syrup if you're feeling particularly virtuous.

We have made these quite a few times and never once left out the maple syrup....



Makes 12-14 


  • 2 very, very ripe bananas - the riper and gooier the better for intense sweet banana flavour. If you suffer from our "issue" with overripe, blackened bananas, have a loved one mash them....
  • 2 eggs
  • 200ml buttermilk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 50ml maple syrup
  • pinch of salt
  • 100g self-raising flour
  • 65g ground almonds
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 45g coconut oil
  1. Slice up the bananas and mash roughly with a fork in a medium sized bowl.
  2. Whisk together the buttermilk, vanilla, eggs and maple syrup then add to the bananas.
  3. Combine the dry ingredients and carefully add to wet mixture but don't over mix.
  4. Heat the coconut oil and add to the mix. Allow to sit for a couple of minutes.
  5. Heat a frying pan on a low to medium heat and drizzle in a little of the coconut oil. 
  6. Drop a dessert spoon-sized amount of mixture onto the pan, then spread evenly to about 1cm thick.
  7. Wait for little bubbles to appear all over the pancake (about 60 seconds) then flip. It should be a lovely golden brown colour. Wait for this side to cook, (about another minute), then remove from pan and place on plate.
  8. Serve the pancakes warm.

Naughty Topping: a decadent large spoonful of mascarpone,  good quality dark chocolate chunks or buttons + maple syrup. Too much? Nup. It's the weekend. You're worth it. 

Supermodel Topping: mixed red berries and some lightly toasted coconut flakes or a thinly sliced blood orange, some toasted almonds and a dollop of good Greek yoghurt. 

Go forth and BRUNCH!

